Taylor Swift’s Nice Gesture For Fan

February 13, 2015


After a heartbroken fan reached out to Taylor Swift, the singer created a playlist of songs she deemed appropriate to deal with a breakup.

A fan, who goes by Kasey Andrew on Instagram, called out to Taylor after a sad split from her boyfriend. Given that Swift is an expert on the subject and always finds the time for her fans, she quickly responded, sharing advice and a list of songs to mend a broken heart and move on.

The list of songs includes Charli XCX’s “Stay Away”; Montgomery’s “Not Around”; Hearts’ “Wings”; MisterWives’ “Coffins”; Azure Ray’s “Sleep”; and Measure’s “Begin Again.”

Taylor Swift told her fan she knew how she was feeling, adding “It’s so devastating to come to terms with speaking of someone in the past tense when you used to see them as your present and your future. But think about what he said. It will take a while for you to get those words out of your head.”

Taylor’s breakups from Joe Jonas, Jake Gyllenhaal and John Mayer make her more than qualified to give advice and comfort her heart aching fan.