Ryan Reynolds Talks About Parenting Fears

July 7, 2015


After making a few questionable career choices here and there, actor Ryan Reynolds seems to be back on track with the upcoming “Deadpool” movie. However, it’s not the box office flops he fears the most – instead, Reynolds gets freaked out by time.

During an interview with AOL Build on Monday, the Canadian actor shared his worst parenting fears, but not those you’ll probably expect.

He said: “Yeah, you suddenly feel the inexorable amount of time go by. There’s nothing that ages you faster than having a kid, and that’s not because you wake up in the middle of the night every five seconds because someone’s got to s*** themselves—it’s really because you’re looking at this person and time is just flying by, like how is it possible that you’re already half a year old?”

Then he added: “And when most people are given at best 90 of these years on this planet, you start to look at it like that, it freaks you out a little bit. You start to make the most of the time you have with this person.”

The 38-year-old actor admitted that the he mostly spends the breaks he gets from acting with his 6-month-old daughter James, who he has with wife and co-star in the “Green Lantern” Blake Lively.