15 Celebrities with Physical Deformities


4. & 5. Ying Yang Twins D-Roc and Kaine – Nubs for Fingers on Left Hand and Mild Cerebral Palsy that Causes Limp)

Spots 4 and 5 on this list belong to the hip-hop duo the Ying Yang Twins. Members D-roc and Kaine have been close as both friends and artists since childhood.

D-Roc was born with nub fingers on his left hand, and Kaine suffers from a mild form of Cerebral Palsy that has induced a slight limp in his gait.

The artists both say that it was these separate maladies that bonded them as children.

The group has suffered a little trouble this year, as member D-Roc was arrested this year on charges of assault and battery after an incident involving his wife, Porche Holmes.